Our wellness depends on us taking a holistic approach to it. The first step to giving yourself a mind, body, and soul wellness boost is to acknowledge your need for it. Next, is to stay open to the interconnection of your mind, body and soul to harness its power in transforming your overall well-being. Keep reading to relate to my holistic wellness journey, and begin your own.
Sharing my holistic wellness journey
Since 2001, I have invested in my holistic wellness. At the time I had transitioned into a corporate marketing role, and although I enjoyed my job, I felt the pressure and the job insecurity that came with it. As for my life, I knew I had to learn to make peace with life's challenges and rise above them. Since then, I have delved deeper into holistic life coaching, nutrition and wellness. Every personal development investment I have made and every self-care experience I have had, I share with you through my writing, holistic healthy living coaching programs, and wellness products. What took me years to really appreciate is the importance of our mind, body, and soul connection to our well-being, both at work and in life. By taking my first step back in 2001, a shiatsu massage to help clear my energy blocks in my body, I opened myself up to experience all sorts of wellness modalities. In doing so, I peeled one layer after the other, and my mind, body and soul integration began. How do I know? I got to a place where I knew I could be vulnerable with myself and practitioners I trusted, and allow myself to release trauma I physically felt was trapped in my body. In releasing it, I stopped identifying with it and self-sabotaging my essence. Sounds familiar? It's the human experience. The more invested each person is in their holistic well-being, the better their work culture and life will be for it.
Embracing your holistic wellness journey
Getting started:
Where do you begin you may ask? I started by reading about it. If you need a holistic overview to transforming your wellness, you can start by reading my self-coaching book, LITE Up Your Work and Life (recommended in the HR Professional Magazine in 2013 for its holistic approach). It's a quick read with introspective exercises at the end of each chapter. To gain any insights from your LITE Up read, writing out your answers to the exercises is essential. Each chapter builds on the one before it. Clients who worked with the LITE Up book shared how they started to see their essence come through their answers, chapter after chapter.
The mind, body and soul connection:
What we nourish our mind, affects our body and what we nourish it. What we nourish our body, affects our mind and what we nourish it. Our mind and body affect our soul, or life-force energy. Let me give you some examples to make this clearer. Have you ever found your self-talk to be stress inducing? When we stress ourselves out with our negative self-talk, not only is our physicality altered by releasing stress hormones, our emotional state may be negatively impacted, and our life-force energy drained. This is a simple example of what could happen with day-to-day stress mismanaged. We are chronically stressed with day-to-day stress. Chronic day-to-day stress can accumulate and wreak havoc in our mind, body and soul, unless daily healthy living habits are introduced and sustained. Add day-to-day chronic stress to unresolved emotional wounds, and you can see how this can throw off anyone's holistic well-being.
In the LITE Up book, I do go over ways in which you can nourish mind, body and soul in more detail. I also offer a simple Holistic Healthy Living Coaching Program that includes a complementary paperback copy of the LITE Up book (while quantities last).
Keeping it simple, the Holistic Healthy Living Coaching Program integrates daily healthy living habits in mind, body and soul to:
Transform your mindfulness, thought patterns and self-limiting beliefs with self-awareness.
Incorporate nutritional products that support your overall health and complement a whole foods meal plan.
Tune into your body mind wisdom and release energy that no longer serves you to make space for your revitalized essence.
This value packed program is a nice blend of one-on-ones, community resources, and wellness products.
What you can do to prepare yourself is:
Start journaling your thought patterns with mindfulness to increase your self-awareness.
Take note of your daily food consumption and how you feel.
Notice where you feel tension in your body and what triggers the tension.
Sign-up to receive a free introductory LITE Up video, life assessment quiz and more.
Sign-up for a free coaching call with me.
Your readiness and commitment is key to your well-being's transformation. The steps above can help you get there if you are not already there. If you are ready and committed, you have nothing to lose by signing-up to learn more!
A Word of Caution
Please note that the products referred to in this article are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult with your health care team of doctors should you have or suspect any pre-existing medical conditions before using the Arbonne products linked here or on my Arbonne e-commerce store. The ingredients list is available by product in PDF format and is downloadable. Should you need help finding the ingredients list, send me a DM on insta or fb.